What Folks in the Kin Universe are Saying

At Kin Universe, we’re so excited about our KIN member stories and connections – ones that go beyond small talk and beyond hierarchy. Continue scrolling to listen to what some of our members have to say about their journey and read our participants’ testimonials about their experience engaging in the Kin Universe.
KIN Member Stories
“Meeting my partner may be one of the best things that has happened to me since lockdown.”
“It’s unique for two men who are strangers to be so open with each other.”
“I am usually very private, but again I have shared some things/moments – that I have not shared with others that I have known for many years.”
“It’s very organic and we have shared some very personal experiences that I, and we both agreed that we would probably not have shared as openly with others.”
“I quickly learned to lower my defenses.” “Meeting my partner may be one of the best things that has happened to me since lockdown.”
“On the surface it seems that we’re really different – different ages, different backgrounds, different socioeconomic status, different phases in our lives. But, the similarities of what we want in life for ourselves, our families and our community outweighs all of those – or even makes the differences that much more special. This isn’t a huge surprise, but is definitely a great reaffirmation.”
“I rarely interact with white men, let alone white men over the age of 50, so I’ve been pleasantly surprised by this developing friendship. I think we both feel inspired and satisfied after our conversations.”
“It really reinforces for me the negative effect of segregation. If you interact with people, you can get to know them and care about them. If you don’t interact, how can you overcome your differences?”
* Some of the participant quotes have been lightly edited for clarity.